[開箱] Nuforce EDC3 三平衡電樞IEMS, 不虛華忠實的表現
前言: nuforce是個老牌子的音響品牌, 這幾年跨足了耳機產業, 常見的有 HEM8/HEM6/HEM22/HEM1, 去年開始跟massdrop 合作生產EDC 大賣一通, 今年初推出改款, EDC3 三單體電樞, 一樣是好評不斷, US100最佳選擇 從下訂到拿到貨足足等了2個月. 國外訂製生產 +飛來台灣 隨便摘了一段國外評論 So far it sounds very immersive and I'm happy thus far. I usually can tell quickly if a headphotne/iem is going to cause me to feel fatigue, and one hour in I'm still feeling great! 大概是說, 身立其境, 聽音樂放輕鬆, 可以戴很久不會累 These headphones are excellent! Having owned over 30 pairs of headphones at different price points I truly feel that these represent the absolute best value you can get for 100usd. Sure spending more will get you better sound quality, but these will provide fidelity high enough for most people. Highly recommended! thumb_up 大概說, 這耳機很棒, 符合大部份人的需求. 看了這兩段老外的評論, 我就已經很想買了. 一. 開箱 好有質感的包裝, 燙銀logo, 外加小黃標籤HI-RES ...